- break a horse 驯马
- buy a horse 买马
- change horses 换马,换班子
- drive a horse 驾驭马
- fall off one 's horse 从马上跌下
- feed a horse 喂马
- jump from a horse 从马上跳下来
- lead a horse 牵马
- look after a horse 照看马匹
- manage a horse 驭马
- own a horse 拥有一匹马
- play horse 做骑马游戏,赌赛马
- rest a horse 让马休息
- ride a horse 骑马
- sell a horse 卖马
- tie a horse to a gate 把马拴在门上
- train a horse 训练马
- walk a horse 遛马
- water a horse 饮马
- hold a horse 忍耐
- talk horse 吹牛,说大话
- work for a dead horse 从事不可能再得到报酬的工作
- black horse 黑马
- brown horse 棕色的马
- dark horse 黑马,竞争中出乎意料的获胜者
- dead horse 死马
- entire horse 种马
- fast horse 快马
- quick horse 快马
- slow horse 慢马
- sound horse 强健的马
- spare horse 备用的马
- white horse 白马
- wild horse 野马
- wooden horse 木马
- cart horse 拉车的马
- gift horse 作为礼物的马
- iron horse 火车头
- mother horse 母马
- pack horse 驮马
- post horse 驿马
- race horse 赛马
- put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
- eat like a horse 吃得很多
- work like a horse 当牛作马
- on one 's high horse 趾高气扬,耀武扬威