- Johnson and his Oxford colleagues David Lamper, Paul Jefferies, Michael Hart and Sam Howison have further studied a binary aspect of the game: the up-and-down movements in a market irrespective of magnitude, which is simpler and computationally practical.
强生和他的牛津同事兰珀、杰夫里兹、哈特及豪伊森进一步研究这个游戏的二元观点,也就是只管市场里的上下移动,而不管移动的大小,那是比较简单并且可以计算的部分。 - Dodds JH.: Plant genetic engineering, Lamper Enterprises Co., LTD, 1991;
田蔚城:生物技术,九州图书文物有限公司,台北1996。 返回 lampers