- n.奥舍
- Chakravarthy S.R.,Osher S.,A New Class of High Accuracy TVD Schemes for Hyperbolic Conserva-tion Laws, AIAA 85-0363.
张涵信,求解气动方程的高精度格式及其相关问题,计算流体力学研究进展,第七届全国计算流体力学会议论文集,温州,(1994),25-30 - Rudin, S Osher and E Fatemi. Nolinear Total Variation Based Noise Removal Algorithms, Physica D, 60, 1992.
邹谋炎著.;反卷积与信号复原 - Firstly, based on image decomposition model of Vese and Osher, an adaptive image decomposing approach that selecting the most appropriate parameters adaptively base.
图像去噪、图像分割、图像分解是目标识别和分析等高层的图像处理技术的基础,其处理效果的好坏将直接影响到后继工作的质量。 - Over the years, Professor Osher has made tremendous contributions to the development of mathematics in these areas through his scientific research, education and community service.
他表示在图像科学和自由边界问题中所产生的一种新方法正是数学应用的一个好例子。 - Chakravarthy S R, Osher R. A new class of high accuracy TVD schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws. AIAA 85-0363