- adv.突然地
- Fromdawn till dusk I sit here before my door, and I know that of asudden the happy moment will arrive when I shallsee.
朝朝暮暮,我坐在门前,知道一看见你,幸福的时辰就突然来临。 - Russia is one option.The middle east, may bethe way they go and we would protect our intrests.And all of asudden we have a war on our hands.
俄罗斯是他们的一个挑选,但外外可以是他们要来的天方,这么人本人们就会来捍卫自人的好处,然后突然间,人本人们就处于和役情况了。 - Cancel all of asudden links interactive readers. 3:00 pm, wearing a dark-colored flowers on the skirt of Dan Hall into a smile, she seemsvery relaxed and in no way be anonymous note.
读者互动环节突然取消。下午3:00,穿着深色的小花裙子的于丹微笑着走进报告厅,看起来她显得非常轻松,丝毫没有受到匿名小纸条的影响。 - ced that asudden passion joined them.Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still.
他们彼此深信是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇这样的确定是漂亮的但变化无常更为漂亮Sin ... - puerperal psychosis is an acute mental illness, which has asudden onset within the first few weeks (usually the first 10 days)following childbirth.