bits per-second
- Speed sets the speed for the connection 9600 bits per second.
speed是设置连接速度9600波特率。 - For analog devices, bandwidth is then described in terms of cycles per second, or Hertz. b (Bit), Bps (Bytes Per Second), or bps (Bits Per Second).
主要考察指标:尺寸、分辨率、可视角度、对比度、亮度、响应时间、色彩饱和度。 - The data transfer capacity(in bits per second) of a bit-parallel bus.
每条位并行总线上可传输数据的容量,用比特/秒表示。 - The data transfer capacity ( in bits per second ) of a bit-parallel bus.
每条位并行总线上可传输数据的容量,用比特/秒表示。 - The measure of data transmission speed ; a thousand bits per second.