- 努德
- Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1835 at Groot Zundert in the Dutch province of Noord Brabant.
凡高1853年3月30日出生於荷蘭北佈拉班特省的格魯特·宗德爾特,是位牧師的兒子。 - Van Gogh was born on March 30,1835 at Groot Zundert in the Dutch province of Noord Brabant.
凡高於1853年3月30日出生於荷蘭北佈拉班特省的格魯特·宗德爾特,是位牧師的兒子。 - During a trip to the Netherlands in mid-April, we saw tulip fields in Noord Holland, Zuid Holland, and Friesland.
儅時人們把錢投資到鬱金香就好比現代人投資股票。 - Between 1883 and 1886,at Noord Brahant again,his painting developed into characteristic dark landscapes and scenes of country life.
在1883年到1886年間,還是在北佈拉班特省,他的畫風發展成獨具匠心的晦澁的風景畫和鄕村生活畫。 - Between 1883and 1886,at Noord Brahant again,his painting developed into characteristic dark landscapes and scenes of country life.